Managed print is here and you’re ready to make the shift. Good for you! Your business will find up to 30% savings on print, you’ll experience increased productivity and improved workflows, and you can reduce the amount of time you spend on your print environment significantly.
So, how do you kick start your managed print services? Let us help.
Print Fleet Evaluation
Talk to your managed print services vendor first about evaluating your print fleet. They will get an understanding of all the machines you have, their location, and who uses them for what type of print. This will also align with an analysis of your print data and overall print environment.
Understanding your current print spending creates the most opportunity for saving on excess or wasteful print and outdated processes that are not serving your company and an efficient print environment.
Streamline Workflows
Next, you’ll start finding easy ways to save, but you’ll also identify time-saving new workflows that will help your teams be more productive and efficient every day. Sound like something you could use? You’ll be able to improve many of the following:
- Traffic flow in your office
- Print supply use
- Print output
- Wasted print (in the recycling bin!)
- Unnecessary print
- Inefficient print processes or policies
- And much more
Better Print Budgets
Reliable, simple print budgets that help you predict spending and identify savings are a result of efficient services and employee productivity. Those are key outcomes of managed print services, when you work with Zeno Office Solutions. Ready to make the move? Let’s talk.